Start List

Start List

Welcome to the Start List page, where you can find timings for athletes competing in the EquestriMalta National Championships.. Once the start list has been published, no amendments will be made.

EquestriMalta National Championships Dressage - 1st June, 2024

The EquestriMalta National Championships Dressage will be held at Montekristo Arena. Spectators are welcome to the event at no charge. The event will run from 9am till approx. 12pm and a presentation will be held at The Brewery afterwards.


The Schedule of events together with a list of officials is available below. Riders, coaches, officials and competitive riders are reminded to work inline with our Codes of Conduct, placing the welfare of the horse above any competitive ambition whilst at any MEF event.


Riders participate in clinics at their own risk. Neither the Malta Equestrian Federation nor the coach, nor the operators of facilities will be held liable for accident or injury.