Equestrian Sport Educative Event Dressage

The Equestrian Sport Educative Event (ESEE) is a tool to educate National Officials (Judges, Course Designers, according to the discipline) including the national Coaches with their pupils and Events’ Organisers. Organised by the Malta Equestrian Federation, led by FEI technical experts, and financed by FEI Solidarity Fund, the aim of the event is to provide training for developing National Federations.

Training for National Dressage Judges commenced earlier this year with the first module of the Equestrian Sport Educative Event (ESEE) for Dressage, led by the FEI, taking place in October, 2023. The second module will take place from 16-19 March, 2024.

Judges who complete the ESEE course will be given MEF certification as follows. 

Module 1 (in person on the online substitute) – Trainee Judge

Module 2 (only in person) – Candidate Judge

Module 3 (only in person) – National Judge

To be granted certification as National Judge, the candidate must complete at least three training sessions as shadow judge at a national competition.

At the end of the course Bertrand will recommend national judges for the following levels: 

Level 1 : Elementary  (FEI children + MEF equivalent tests)

Level 2 : Medium (FEI junior tests + MEF equivalent tests)

Level 3 : Prix St Georges and Intermediaire I

The FEI does not provide certification. To be eligible for FEI certification for dressage judging, judges must have worked as a national judge at a number of national competitions and be recommended by their National Federation. 

ESEE Dressage Module 2

The ESEE Dressage Module 2 course will take place from 16-19 March. Candidates must be available from 8:00am till 6:00pm on four full days. 

Course Tutors

Technical experts from the FEI will be in Malta to lead the course. These include:

Bertrand Hardy – Judging

Kathy Amos Jacob – Coaching


Participants applying for Module 2 must have completed the first module, either in-person or online.

The course is open to a maximum of eight coaches and as many judges as are interested in the course.

Participants applying for the judging course must have ridden competitively at least at elementary level some stage during their lifetime.

Participants must be fully-paid up competitive members and must be over the age of 18.

Participants must be available for the entire course. The days will run from 8am till 6pm.

Applications are now available at:

It is really important that candidates applying for the course are sure that they will be able to commit. Withdrawing from the course at the last minute creates administrative and financial difficulties for the federation, so please only apply if you are sure you can attend. 

There is no fee for the second module of this course. There will not be an online option for this part of the course. 

More information about the ESEE programme can be found on the FEI website at:

Further training with EEF

Candidates who have enrolled in the ESEE course will be eligible for further training provided in collaboration with the European Equestrian Federation (EEF). The first phase of training is all done online. Should candidates be deemed competent to continue to the next phase, they will be invited for further in-person training. There is no fee for the EEF online training but costs for in-person training will need to be settled by the candidate should they be selected to join. 

Candidates who have enrolled for the online ESEE training for Module 1 of the ESEE course are also entitled to join the EEF course. 

We encourage all judges in training to make the most of these unique opportunities to further their knowledge and experience, even if they do not think that they will get through to the second phase. 

Deadline for enrolment in the EEF course is 14 December, 2023. Please get in touch if you have further questions. 


Riders participate in competitions at their own risk. Neither the Malta Equestrian Federation, sponsors nor the operators of facilities will be held liable for accident or injury.