Equestrian Games

Sub-Committee Appointed

A sub-committee, consisting of five members was appointed on 31 October, 2022. The sub-committee will take over responsibility for the EquestriMalta Equestrian Games, organising grassroots competitions including Riding Classes, Handy Hunters and Gymkhanas.  

The sub-committee is made up of a team of volunteers, including Fiona Picton, Elena Vella, Sarah Ciliberti, Gina Curmi and Mary Ann Rust.

From left to right: Elena Vella and Fiona Picton.

The EquestriMalta Equestrian Games

The EquestriMalta Equestrian Games are a series of competitions that address the needs of the grassroots members. For both children and adults, riders in the Equestrian Games are those who are not yet ready to advance to the EquestriMalta National Championships. Participants will compete in Riding Class, Handy Hunters and Gymkhanas earning points for every competition attended. Prizes will be distributed at the end of the season for overall winners in a number of categories. Though the sub-committee will take over the organisation of these competitions, they remain MEF competitions and will be run under the MEF flag.

Gina Curmi

The new sub-committee took over their first competition at the Handy Hunter on the 19th November, 2022 at Maghtab. They will continue to run the competitions for the remainder of the 2022/2023 season. We would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication and wish them a successful season.

From left to right: Mary Ann Rust and Sarah Ciliberti