Equestrian Sport in Malta

Malta Equestrian Federation

Governing horse sport in Malta since 1999

The Malta Equestrian Federation has been affiliated with the international governing body for equestrian sport, Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) and strives to create and develop a unique bond between horse and rider. Dressage and show jumping are among the disciplines practiced on the islands.

  • Dressage.

    Derived from the French word “dresser”, meaning to train, dressage is a form of horse riding performed purely for the sake of mastery. It is an Olympic discipline where riders are judged on how they perform a series of movements varying in difficulty, depending on the class in which they are riding.

  • Show Jumping.

    Perhaps the most popular of the Olympic equestrian disciplines, show jumping involves clearing of a number of obstacles, in a particular order, usually within a time limit. Fences vary in size according to the class in which a rider participates from 50cm to over one metre in height.

  • Competitions.

    Both dressage and show jumping competitions take place regularly throughout the season which starts in October and ends in June. Points accumulated during MEF-organised shows go towards the Season Championship.

  • Find a coach.

    The relationship between horse and rider takes years of training to develop. Finding the right coach is an important part of any horse-and-rider’s success. The right coach will help riders fulfil their potential whether they are looking to reach the highest level of sport or to safely enjoy a weekend hack.

  • Directory.

    Looking after your equine teammate requires the expertise of many professionals. Finding the right farrier, vet, livery yard or feed supplier is key to creating the best environment for you and your horse to excel in the sport. These are some of Malta’s key players.

  • Become a member.

    Whether you’re a seasoned competitive rider or an enthusiastic beginner there is no better time to join the MEF. From participating in competitions to training opportunities both locally and abroad, an MEF membership is the first step in your journey to sporting success.